I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that 2024 was a really good year for me. I want to take a moment and reflect on that.
This year, I
Wrote 39 stories (and started 9 incomplete stories)
Wrote 16 poems
Submitted 18 stories to 48 markets
Received 2 acceptances (possibly 3? I received a conditional acceptance this month)
Received 28 denials (denials are important, too!)
Some other highlights from 2024:
I self-published a collection of short stories, which you can find on Amazon.
I picked out a rad book cover for my upcoming novella, Sorority Zombies in Space!
I settled on an author bio I can be proud of.
I started organizing my writing in a spreadsheet. I love my spreadsheet.
I became a Taylor Swift fan! This post on Taylor Swift's rhetorical devices went semi-viral on Medium. Viral for me, anyway.
I became more involved with writing communities.
I started putting myself out there more—joining new groups, sharing my writing, submitting way more, etc.
How was your year? Let me know in the comments!